首頁 > > 《K.T.T.》 MAGLULA Range Benchload 5.56/.223 填彈器

《K.T.T.》 MAGLULA Range Benchload 5.56/.223 填彈器

  • 《K.T.T.》 MAGLULA Range Benchload 5.56/.223 填彈器
  • 《K.T.T.》 MAGLULA Range Benchload 5.56/.223 填彈器
  • 《K.T.T.》 MAGLULA Range Benchload 5.56/.223 填彈器
  • 《K.T.T.》 MAGLULA Range Benchload 5.56/.223 填彈器
  • 《K.T.T.》 MAGLULA Range Benchload 5.56/.223 填彈器
  • 商品資訊

    The Range BenchLoader™ loaders is a heavy-duty industrial 5.56 / .223 cal magazine loaders made to load a magazine in a single hand stroke. It is intended for daily loading of hundreds of magazines at shooting ranges and armories. It totally eliminates fingers pain and injury, shorten loading time, and keep the magazines lips intact.
    Loads all AR15 / M4 compatible 5.56 / .223 magazines, like:
    - M16 / AR15 / M4 USGI (NATO STANAG 4179)
    - Magpul PMAG
    - SCAR 16
    - H&K metal 416 / SA80
    - SureFire 60 & 100 rd
    - Beretta AR 70-90
    - Lancer *
    - and all others
    - Loads from 1 to 30 loose rounds in a single stroke.
    - 25 seconds loading 30 rd magazines.
    - Absolutely painless operation!
    - Keeps the magazine lips intact.
    - Allows inspection for defects and cleaning of rounds prior to loading.
    - Rugged construction.
    - Comprising only 3 parts.
    - Safe on fingers and magazine.
    - Filling of rounds is done with both hands, therefore quicker loading.
    - Needs no dexterity or training to use.
    - Needs virtually no maintenance or cleaning.
    - Easy to operate with gloves in freezing weather.
    - Chemicals resistant.
    Portable, Range bag packable; length 42cm (16.5”), weight 360gr (12.7 oz.)
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